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匹配条件: “ 宫忱” ,找到相关结果约3863条。
, 刘玉芹, 李爱玲
中国公共卫生 , 1989,
Abstract: ?根据铁道部卫生环保局制定的“铁路站车卫生业务技术管理规程”的有关规定,我们对哈尔滨铁路局范围内的站车食品卫生,进行了从库存原料到餐车食品及其有关容器环境的系统监测。
Study on the Effect of Center Cone Taper Angle on the Aerodynamic Performance of Tail Nozzle of Turbojet Engine

胡宋健, , 张涛, 邹澄昊, 李澍
Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (JAST) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/JAST.2022.103004
Abstract: 尾喷管是航空发动机的重要组成之一。随着航空发动机的发展,对尾喷管性能的要求越来越严格。本文针对尾喷管中心锥锥角进行参数化研究,旨在获得中心锥锥角对尾喷管性能的影响,以140 kg涡喷发动机尾喷管为研究对象,建立了三种具有不同中心锥锥角的尾喷管物理模型,并对其开展全粘性的数值模拟研究,与原模型进行对比分析,得出尾喷管中心锥锥角对尾喷管气动性能的影响规律:当中心锥锥角α在一定范围内降低时,尾喷管出口处的平均速度会升高,速度曲线更加平稳。因此,适当降低中心锥的锥角,将对尾喷管气动性能的提升提供一定的帮助。
The tail nozzle of aeroengine is an important component of turbojet engine. With the development of aeroengine performance, the requirements for the performance of the nozzle are more and more strict. It is of great significance to study the aerodynamic performance of the nozzle for the center cone. In this paper, in order to optimize the two protrusions, a 140 kg turbojet nozzle is taken as an example, three physical models of nozzles with different central cone angles were established, and the numerical simulation of the established nozzle was carried out, which was compared with the original model. The influence law of the central cone angle of the nozzle on the aerodynamic performance of the nozzle is obtained: when the central cone angle α decreases within an appropriate range, the average velocity at the nozzle exit will increase, the velocity curve will become more stable, and the fatigue strength will be higher in actual working conditions. Therefore, appropriately reducing the cone angle of the center cone is helpful to optimize the aerodynamic performance of the nozzle.
Study on Strategies of Subtitle Translation under the Relevance Translation Theory—Taking Episode 16 of Journey to the West as an Example

Modern Linguistics (ML) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/ML.2024.122121
Abstract: 影视作品是文化的重要载体,在全球化深入发展的今天,中国影视作品承担起了跨文化交际的使命。作为一种新兴的翻译模式,字幕翻译为中国文化“走出去”架起了一座桥梁,高质量的字幕翻译可以吸引更多的海外观众,扩大中国文化的国际影响力。关联翻译理论作为认知语言学在翻译领域中的延伸理论,将语言交际与心理认知作为重点,主张在原作者的认知语境和受众的预设语境之间构建联系,以求实现最佳关联性,营造最佳语境效果,对字幕翻译具有很强的指导性。本文将从关联翻译理论视角出发,选取央视译制版《西游记》第十六集的英文字幕为研究内容,探索构建影视作品最佳语境效果的翻译策略。
Film and television works serve as important carriers of culture. The current era of deepening glob-alization has witnessed that the Chinese film and television works have already undertaken the mission of cross-cultural communication. As an emerging translation mode, subtitle translation has built a bridge for Chinese culture to “go abroad”. High-quality subtitle translation will attract more audiences from overseas and expand the international influence of Chinese culture. As an extension of cognitive linguistics in the field of translation, “relevance translation theory” focuses on language communication and psychological cognition, advocating creating a link between the cognitive con-text of the author and the preset context of the audience, in order to achieve the best relevance and the best contextual effect. From this aspect, “relevance translation theory” serves as an instructive guidance for subtitle translation. From the perspective of relevance translation theory, this paper will select the English version of subtitles of the 16th episode of Xi You Ji (Journey to the West) dubbed by CCTV as the research content, and explore the translation strategies for building the best contextual effect of film and television works.
Research on the Thought of “Prudent Punishment” and Its Modern Value Significance

Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2024.132152
Abstract: 中华上下五千年,儒家思想犹如划破世界的惊雷,在诸多优秀的思想中闪耀而出,影响了世世代代的炎黄子孙。儒家思想影响无处不在,比如儒家在政治方面就渴望“仁政”,投射至司法领域,开启了我国“慎刑”思想的先河。“慎刑”思想在中国法制史的发展中,犹如一颗璀璨的明星,在律法的严苛与谦抑中照耀着黎民百姓。“慎刑”思想是中国传统法律思想中独具特色的重要因素,它不仅仅表现在思想层面,同样也表现在制度层面。只有深入地理解“慎刑”思想,把握好历史上的“慎刑”制度精髓,才有利于社会矛盾的及时有效的化解,才有利于法治理论与法治实践更好地耦合在一起,才能实现法律实效与社会目的的有机统一,才能更好地实现国家的长治久安。对“慎刑”思想深入研究,不仅仅可以了解其在古代的产生、发展、演变,同样可以将其思想创新性地运用在现代社会,弘扬其珍贵的价值。
For five thousand years in China, Confucianism was like a thunderbolt that shattered the world, shining out of many excellent ideas and influencing generations of descendants of Yan and Huang. The influence of Confucianism is ubiquitous, for example, Confucianism yearns for “benevolent governance” in politics and projects it into the field of justice, opening the way for China’s “cautious punishment” ideology. The concept of “cautious punishment” has shone like a brilliant star in the development of Chinese legal history, illuminating the common people in the strictness and humility of the law. The concept of “cautious punishment” is a unique and important factor in traditional Chinese legal thought, which is not only reflected in the ideological level, but also in the institutional level. Only by deeply understanding the concept of “cautious punishment” and grasping the essence of the “cautious punishment” system in history, can it be conducive to the timely and effective resolution of social contradictions, the better coupling of legal theory and practice, the organic unity of legal effectiveness and social goals, and the better realization of long-term stability of the country. A thorough study of the concept of “cautious punishment” not only enables us to understand its emergence, development, and evolution in ancient times, but also enables innovative application of its ideas in modern society, promoting its precious value.
A Fast Distributed Stochastic Algorithm over Directed Networks

Advances in Applied Mathematics (AAM) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2024.132081
Abstract: 本文考虑有向网络上多智能体系统中的分布式优化问题。 其全局目标函数可表示为网络中所有局 部目标函数有限和的形式。 通过利用 Nesterov 动量技巧方法和单循环的方差缩减技术 LSVRG, 本文提出了有向网络中一种快速的分布式随机算法 AB-LSVRG。 对光滑和强凸的目标函数,理 论分析证明所提出的算法可以线性收敛到最优解。 基于分布式逻辑回归问题,数值实验表明本文 所提出的算法与现有的一些分布式算法相比表现效果更好。
This paper considers the distributed optimization in a multi-agent system over bal- anced directed networks. The global objective function describes a finite sum of all local objective functions on the networks. Combining the distributed loopless variancereduction method with Nesterov momentum strategy, a fast distributed stochastic al- gorithm is developed, named ABN-LSVRG. For smooth and strongly convex objective functions, it is proved that ABN-LSVRG has a linear convergence rate. Based on the distributed logistic problem, simulation results show that ABN-LSVRG performs bet- ter in comparison with some distributed algorithms.
An Empirical Study of Cost Pass-Through Ability of Airline Company in China

World Economic Research (WER) , 2014, DOI: 10.12677/WER.2014.31001

As the world is actively exploring the establishment of carbon emission trading system, this paper builds an empirical cost pass-through model for airline industry based on the corporate behavior theory. Based on the assumption that China has built its own carbon emission trading system, selecting typical local airline market as the source of database, the paper estimates the cost pass- through abilities of kinds of airlines under a variety of market strategies, in order to stimulate air- lines’ cost pass-through abilities. It suggests that the overall industry cost pass-through rate is about 100%, which coincides with the European Commission's impact assessment report and many research results.

Optimal Control Method for the Control Mechanism of Cable Force for Cable-Stayed Bridge

王九公, 李树
Hans Journal of Civil Engineering (HJCE) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2021.103019
Due to the particularity of the engineering environment in the open sea, the control of the cable force during the construction process needs to consider the influence of wind, humidity, sunshine, temperature and other factors. How to determine a reasonable cable force construction control mechanism becomes one of the most important problems during the cable-stayed bridge construction process, which affects the subsequent cable-stayed construction and even the later closing of the beam section. Therefore, it is necessary to control the actual construction cable force through a comprehensive variety of control methods to meet the control requirements. The optimal control method uses the vibration frequency method to check and control the cable force, such as to establish the conversion equation between the measured frequency and the cable force value, calculates the regression relationship between the jack oil pressure and the cable force, and establishes the equivalent mathematical relationship of the cable end extension and the cable force. When there is an error in the construction stage and the cable force needs to be adjusted, the adjustment amount is calculated and determined by the optimal control method, so as to realize the fine control of the cable force during the construction process.

地理学报 , 1984, DOI: 10.11821/xb198403017
Abstract: 古河道是河流变迁后遗留下来的旧河道。晚更新世末期以来,河北平原主要由黄河、漳河、滹沱河、永定河、滦河等河流洪积、冲积形成,因而古河道密集分布。

地理学报 , 1980, DOI: 10.11821/xb198003007
Abstract: 一九七六年七月二十八日,河北省唐山地区先后发生了7.8级和7.1级地震。震区所在的滦河冲积扇形平原上出现了大规模的喷水冒砂,造成了人民生命财产的重大损失。
中国中药杂志 , 1998,
Abstract: 中药活性成分的降血糖作用及其治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病研究进展吴忠忱(空军医学高等专科学校吉林132013)糖尿病是一种常见的有遗传倾向的内分泌代谢病。其病理生理改变是胰岛素分泌绝对或相对不足,引起糖、脂肪、蛋白质和继发的维生素、水、电解质代谢紊乱。表现为血糖、尿糖升高,病人出现多食、多饮、多尿、口干及全身无力等症状。中医称之为消渴。人群发病率为1%~5%,它与癌症、心血管疾病同样被视为世界性三大疾病。由于病因未阐明....

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